Tajuk-tajuk Utama Akhbar : Selasa, 25 Mei 2022
1. Harian Metro – Tangguh Konvo 30 minit
Pihak pengurusan Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) dan Sekretariat Upacara Konvokesyen Ke 59 USM terpaksa menangguhkan upacara sidang kelima majlis konvokesyen selama 30 minit semalam berikutan kesesakan yang berlaku di atas Jambatan Pulau Pinang akibat kemalangan maut di KM8.6 di Jambatan Pulau Pinang dari arah Prai menghala ke Gelugor . Kesesakan sejauh lebih 25 kilometer itu turut menyebabkan graduan Ijazah Sarjana Pentadbiran Perniagaan . R. Kevin , 23 , yang terperangkap dalam kesesakan bertindak memboceng motosikal seorang pengguna jalan raya yang sanggup menghantarnya ke institusi pengajian tinggi itu untuk menerima ijazah.
2. Berita Harian – SPRM Kenan rasuah , salah guna kursa
Perolehan keperluan kesihatan untuk COVID-19
3. New Straits Time – Not Out of The Woods
The govt’s decision to indefinitely ban the export of chicken may backfire it farmers reliant on the income go bust , warns an economist . This will lead to further supply reductions and prices escalating. Consumer associations want more action to mitigate price hikes , urge people to stop eating chicken.
4. The Star – Fair fowl price , please !
What should be the price of chicken? That is what the government is trying to sort out before the expiry of the price control scheme on June 5. It has to take into account the interests of both the chicken producers and consumers, who are already hard-hit by rising prices. Consumer groups say a fair price is important to ensure the poultry industry is not devastated.
5. The Borneo Post – Water surcharge on the cards ?
Ministry proposes households exceeding 35,000 litres in monthly consumption pay extra as part of efforts to encourage conservation
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