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Tajuk-Tajuk Utama Akhbar: Selasa 24 Mei 2022

Masa Membaca:1 Minit, 8 Saat

Harian Metro: Bekas Diplomat Tanam Ganja

Seorang bekas diplomat ke sebuah negara jiran ditahan selepas polis menemui pokok ganja yang ditanam di atas tanah di sekeliling banglonya di Janda Baik, Pahang petang kelmarin.

Dalam serbuan itu , turut ditemui bekas berisi cecair dipercayai minyak ganja selain daun ganja yang sudah dikeringkan.

Berdasarkan penemuan itu , duta terbabit dikatakan bergiat dalam menghasilkan cecair ganja untuk perubatan.

Berikutan itu, duta berusia 78 tahun berkenaan direman sehingga 28 Mei 2022.


Berita Harian: Kerugian hasil sawit tak dituai cecah RM28 bilion


New Straits Times: Can Govt Action Tip the Scales Against Price Rises ?

The PM unveils a slew of measures to tackle the chicken supply crunch.


The Star: At a loss when this is spotted

Unlike for Covid-19 where standard operating procedures were clear cut, there isn’t any should hand, foot and mouth disease strike kindergartens, say operators. They want similar dos and don’ts as cases around the country soar with Klang Valley alone hitting 6,197 cases this year.


The Borneo Post: PM: Chicken exports on hold from June 1, APs for chicken, wheat axed

Exports of up to 3.6 million chickens will be stopped from June 1 until chicken prices and production stabilise, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said.

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