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Tajuk-Tajuk Utama Akhbar: Sabtu 16 April 2022

Masa Membaca:51 Saat
  1. Berita Harian: Hanya 33 peratus inisiatif pelan antirasuah dicapai

Tahun pertama, 29 inisiatif diselesaikan, hanya lapan inisiatf dapat dilaksanakan pada 2020/2021.


2. New Straits Times: Clean up or close down

Appalled over report of unhygienis pratices, spoiltfood and unsavoury items found in Ramadan Bazar Fare, Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin Urges Consumer to lodge immediate reports so action can be taken.

3. The Star: The Shifting Sands…: Thousand of kilometers of beaches have been lost with the coastlie retrating fast as climate chage seriously affects livehoods, and social and economic activities in Malaysia.

4. The Borneo Post: MoU: PM Ismail Sabri to abide by Umno NT’S decision

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob yesterday said he would abide by the decision made by the Umno Supreme Council (MT) not to extend the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Trasformation and political Satability inked between the federal goverment and Pakatan Harapan (PH) when it expires on July 31.


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