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Tajuk-tajuk Utama Akhbar, Rabu 15 Jun 2022

Masa Membaca:1 Minit, 6 Saat

  1. Harian Metro -Masyuk RM700,000

    7 pegawai imigresen termasuk 2 pegawai kanan ditahan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) selepas disyaki bersekongkol dengan beberapa syarikat membabitkan rasuah lebih RM700,000 sejak tahun lalu. Tugas pegawai terbabit hanya menguruskan pasport, permit kerja profesional dan visa selain melindungi pekerja asing. Mereka ditahan dalam operasi khas di Sarawak dan Selangor, kelmarin

  2. Berita Harian -Bekas tentera tidak berpencen hidup miskin
  3. New Straits Time – ‘Accept High Prices’

    The best way to curb further increases in food prices is to allow market forces to restore balance between supply and demand , says an economist, not price ceilings and export bans. The spike in prices will cause producers to step up supply , eventually bringing down prices.

  4. The Star – Going the extra lap for his Chinese ‘father’

    For disabled swimmer Muhammad Nur Faris Ghazali , ‘Coach Ang’ is everything to him. The teen, who won four gold and two silver medals at the National Para Swimming Championship recently , is aspiring to be a Paralympian under the guidance of his father figure Ang Than Hin.

  5. The Borneo Post – Sabah now on London MA63 quest

    Six years after Sarawak’s effort, Ongkili to lead team to access documents related to state’s rights at National Archives

  6. Suara Sarawak – 70 Penderma Setiap Hari

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