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Tajuk-tajuk Utama Akhbar – Jumaat, 15 Julai 2022

Masa Membaca:43 Saat

1. Harian Metro – Kacang Hijau Berrcampur Dadah

2. Berita Harian – Tajuddin akur keputusan kerajaan (Isu jawatan duta Malaysia ke Indonesia) / Guna sakuran diplomatik undang-undang ( Isu tuntutan waris Kesultanan Sulu)

3.Kosmo! – Operasi buru penipu Penjana Kerjaya

SPRM tangkap 37 individu termasuk bergerak Datuk kes tuntutan palsu bernilai RM100 juta

4.New Straits Time – Breakthrough Approval

The Health Ministry will allow certain products containing cannabinol — a chemical in the cannabis plant — to the registered by next year. They can be prescribed only by healthcare professionals, and will not be available over the counter. Recreational use of cannabis and its cultivation will continue to be prohibited.

5.The Star – Command Presence ( sponsored by Honda)

6.The Borneo Post – Stability key to better times

Annuar: Stable political environment important element in managing country’s inflation, economy

Langgani saluran Telegram kami untuk dapatkan berita-berita yang terkini.


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