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Tajuk-Tajuk Utama Akhbar: Jumaat 13 Mei 2022

Masa Membaca:1 Minit, 12 Saat

Harian Metro: Tragedi Balik Makan

Lima penuntut Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah (USAS) , Kuala Kangsar rentung apabila kereta dinaiki mereka terbakar selepas terbabit kemalangan dengan dua treler di KM245.2 Lebuhraya Utara Selatan arah utara, dekat Kuala Kangsar , semalam. Kejadian berlaku ketika semua mangsa dalam perjalanan pulang ke kampus selepas menikmati makan malam di Ipoh.

Berita Harian: Tragedi 5 sahabat

– Nahas berlaku ketika mangsa dalam perjalanan pulang ke kampus selepas makan malam di Ipoh

– Semua mangsa rentung apabila kereta dinaiki mereka terbakar dirempuh treler

– Pemandu treler berusia 28 tahun ditahan untuk bantu siasatan

New Straits Times: Booster Push

A second booster dose is being offered to people aged 60 and above , and those over 18 in high-risk groups. This shot — 4 to 6 months after the first — is to prevent severe symptoms and death due to waning immunity . The authorities are also extending PICKids to May 31 to allow more children to be vaxxed.

The Star: Time to Repay Them

Nurses posing for a photograph in Putrajaya in conjunction with International Nurses Day. They certainly deserve the kudos for having contributed tirelessly during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. In appreciation, the Health Ministry is now focusing on matters affecting them.

The Borneo Post: Full recovery after taking Paxlovid

Health minister says 173 Covid-19 patients taking antiviral drug recovered with no side effects, priority given to high risk group.

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