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SMEs urged to continue digital transformation journey

Masa Membaca:1 Minit, 9 Saat

KUALA LUMPUR, July 19 – Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) should continue their digital transformation journey post-Movement Control Order, said Genaxis Group managing director Nuraslina Zainal Abidin.

She said with the resumption in business activities in the usual way, SMEs might be less compelled to implement digital transformation.

In a statement, Nuraslina, who is also chief executive officer of IA Consulting Sdn Bhd, said SMEs need to view digitalisation as a critical step to increase business and operational resiliency as well as enhance productivity during these unprecedented and challenging times.

“It is possible that SMEs do not fully understand the importance of digital transformation, and the small first steps they need to take to implement digital transformation.

“For SMEs to adopt digitalisation of business, they must first understand the business priorities that requires digitalisation, either to help in lowering operational costs, acquiring new target customers, launching a new line of product or services or optimising resource,” she said.

Genaxis and iAC are subsidiaries of Dagang NeXchange Bhd.

Nuraslina said companies need to focus on enhancing customer experience at every touchpoint with their customers on the digital platform to take advantage of the new norm where clients turn to mobile or internet platform to make purchases.

SMEs would definitely benefit in reaching more customers and reducing operational costs by changing to digital platform to offer product or deliver services, she added.- BERNAMA


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